Sunday, March 25, 2012

truly blessed.

right now I'm just laying in bed thinking about my wonderful life and how truly blessed i am for all that I have! I definitely have my trials and hardships with health and life in general, but think of all the people who have it so much harder. I am truly grateful for all the trials I have been given - to just think Heavenly Father knows what I am capable of is an honor. I am so blessed to be able to wake up in the morning knowing that i can just get on my knees to pray for protection! Im so blessed to be in a home where love is truly desired and spoken. I am truly blessed to have a left hand strong enough to play the piano. I am truly blessed for technology and medicine and all it has done to heal me. I am sincerely blessed for all the living angels on this earth that have been sent to heal my wounded heart and to become my light.  Despite all my trials, don't you think im blessed for all that I've been given? There are so many others out there that have it harder than us, which a lot of us (including myself) don't think about during a trial.... Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and only gives us what we can handle. I think it's an incredible knowledge to know that each of us CHOSE to come to this earth - and its because we knew we could do it! We knew that through Christ, ALL things are possible! Remember what choice you made and remember why you made it. You chose because you knew Christ personally and you knew the truth. You KNEW you could get through your trials and return to Him with honor. You are blessed no matter the circumstances, so be of good cheer! When Joseph Smith was chained to a tree in the night of freezing rains about to go to jail, he turned to his men in faith and said, "Bretheren, we will live through this experience... So lift up your heads and be of good cheer!" you will get through your trials, I know you will - and so do you. Be of good cheer! Because...

You are truly blessed.

Sincerely, ashlyn