loving: the art of typography. It's the way we advertise, be creative, and convey messages. Although, if you are a perfectionist like me, then you must know typography requires patience.

watching: the Bill Cosby Show. My family and I watch at least one episode a week!
listening to: so many different artists it's unreal. I always love finding a band that i enjoy listening to that has less than 100 followers (relatively speaking) - they're unique, original, and real. I feel rebellious by not listening to the top ten on iTunes. Creating and finding my own top ten is more adventurous and enjoyable rather than partaking of the fruit at gratification. Catch my drift?
playing: the piano and ukulele. i taught myself to play the piano when i was six and still play to this day. I use my right hand and my nub. It's totally awesome. I started to teach myself to play the ukulele about two months ago! Music is my passion.

working on: a leather strap for my camera, two skirts, jewelry, and shorts. My hands are busy.
overcoming: anxiety. But do not fear, life is just so perfect otherwise:)
This is my life in a nutshell at the moment. Tadda!
Sincerely, Ashlyn