You have a purpose, a unique purpose. We were all chosen for this day and time to raise up the Kingdom of God, to bring the goodness and the love of God to those we surround. You are someone special, and you are loved. Every moment we live, every breathe we take is a precious moment that we can use to grow and become more like our Savior. Please, be the Son or Daughter you are meant to be. Dress modestly, listen to music that would only invite the spirit, read your scriptures.. do everything you can to be worthy of His blessings. Heavenly Father is right next to you every step of the way and i know it takes a great deal of faith to believe that. Build up Zion, build up the kingdom of God that we were sent here to do! Do not get distracted by the worldly things that make Heavenly Father a lower priority. Eternal life is our goal, our direction, our destination.. your destiny. You knew what you came here for, you knew what would come your way and beside the level of difficulty.. you knew you could do it only with the hand of the Lord. We can build up Zion and that we will do! As royal Sons and Daughters of God, we will fight... we will FIGHT! Get rid of those short shorts, that music that swears once, that hilarious T.V. show that has a couple bad jokes... "Stop it!" Be who you are meant to be and by doing so, you will spread much goodness across the face of the earth. This earth has billions of people waiting to hear our message, a message of peace, and true happiness. My plea is that we will find our purpose and live it. Don't forget that you are highly favored of the lord and that is why you are here now in the year 2012, because you have a purpose - a purpose that only you can fulfill. Together, we can all return, and that.... we will.
Sincerely, Ashlyn
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